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Helpful Ways of Coping with Infertility in Arkansas

Coping with infertility in Arkansas is rarely easy. However, there’s no reason to lose hope of becoming a parent. You have options. Is adoption your best path to building a family? Should you explore IVF? Is surrogacy the right option?

Approximately one of every five women is struggling with infertility in Arkansas after a year of attempted conception. It’s important to know that you aren’t alone if you’re in this situation. Some couples try IVF or infertility treatment in Arkansas when building their family, but those options are sometimes time-consuming and emotionally taxing. 

Is becoming a parent more important than having a personal experience with pregnancy? If so, adoption may be an option that makes sense. If you’re facing infertility in Arkansas and would like to chat with someone about adoption after infertility in Arkansas, call 1-800-ADOPTION. You can also fill out our online form to find out more about your options.

What is Infertility in Arkansas?

Before we get into the details about coping with infertility, we should first cover the infertility definition in Arkansas. The medical definition of infertility is not being able to get pregnant or conceive after a year or more of unprotected sexual activity.

What Options Do You Have for Parenting After Experiencing Infertility in Arkansas?

Being diagnosed with infertility in Arkansas can be crushing if you’ve already set your heart on having a baby of your own. However, all is not lost. Though you may be unable to have children naturally without assistance, you still have options for becoming a parent. Once you’ve been diagnosed with infertility in Arkansas, your options for parenting are:

  • Adoption
  • Surrogacy
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Infertility treatments

You get to choose which path will give you the most rewarding way to become a parent.

Is Adoption the Best Way for You to Build a Family After an Infertility Diagnosis?

Deciding you want to start a family is a life-changing moment. Conversely, learning you can’t experience pregnancy as you hoped due to infertility in Arkansas can be an emotional low point that leads to negative feelings like:

  • Disappointment
  • Devastation
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Stress

It’s okay to grieve after an infertility diagnosis, and it’s important you give yourself that opportunity. You need time to process the situation before considering adoption after infertility in Arkansas. Many couples dream of experiencing pregnancy, so coping with the realization that isn’t possible can take some time.

However, parenting is still a possibility, even if the journey looks different than they originally imagined. Only after you’ve thoroughly grieved can you truly consider whether deciding to adopt after infertility in Arkansas is the preferred path forward for your family.

There are several options for becoming a parent after an infertility diagnosis, and adoption is one of them. Adopting a child is selfless and loving, and it benefits everyone involved.

Birth mothers who choose to place their child for adoption get the opportunity to impact their child’s life profoundly by choosing the best family for their child. Birth mothers select every trait of the family that will adopt their child, often working with an adoption agency to find the perfect hopeful parents to raise their kid.

If you choose adoption, infertility in Arkansas won’t be the end of your path to parenthood. In fact, it’s only the beginning. Adoptive families get to become moms and dads, see their children grow and develop, and have the knowledge that their babies will enjoy a rich future full of opportunity because of their choice.

Adoptees may benefit the most, especially if they’re part of an open adoption that allows ongoing contact with both of their families – birth and adoption. Adoptees get to grow up understanding the brave, loving decision their birth parents made and why they were placed in an adoptive home. They also know their adoptive parents were excited about getting the chance to raise them because they loved them immensely despite the absence of a genetic link.

If you’re coping with infertility in Arkansas and considering whether adoption is the right decision for you, you should ask yourself a few questions:

  • Am I interested in experiencing parenting more than experiencing pregnancy?
  • Am I ready to raise and nurture a child while providing them with a safe and loving home?
  • Am I driven by a desire to give back to the adoption community because someone I know was adopted?
  • Am I okay with waiting for the right match, even though it could take a few months?
  • Am I committed to open adoption to give my child the opportunity to know their birth family?

If your answer to these questions is, “Yes,” adoption may give you an excellent way to become a parent despite infertility challenges.

Deciding to Adopt After Infertility in Arkansas

Adopting a child is certainly a life-changing experience. If you and your family have chosen to adopt a child after coping with infertility in Arkansas, please know the opportunity to adopt is a godsend.

Every adoption is unique because everyone has their own motivations for choosing adoption. But, if you’re deciding to adopt after infertility in Arkansas, we want you to know a few things as you consider your choice.

1. A Big Part of Adoption Is the Journey

Adoption is a journey, and that’s an important fact to recognize when deciding to adopt after infertility in Arkansas. Again, no two adoptions are alike because every adoption scenario comes with its own distinct circumstances.

Still, there are some common steps that most hopeful adoptive families go through when adopting. For instance, all prospective adoptive families must complete a home study. Most families working with an agency will build a waiting family profile. This profile guides your agency as they match you with birth mothers who determine if you’re the best fit for their baby.

2. The Perfect Adoption Takes Time

You should also remember that when adopting, the process takes time in most cases. Fortunately, when you choose to work with American Adoptions after experiencing infertility in Arkansas, your average wait time for domestic adoption in an average of 12 months.

It may take longer than in other types of adoption, like international adoption and foster-to-adopt scenarios. But when you partner with an adoption agency, your adoption professional will provide a general estimate of your expected wait time to give you an idea of what to expect.

3. Adoption Will Change Your Life Forever

The final thing we want you to know is that adoption is a life-changing experience for everyone involved, especially those who’ve been struggling with infertility in Arkansas.

You may have never thought that you’d be starting your family by adopting a child when you first began your journey to parenthood. But in the end, when you look back at your adoption journey and how it gave you a chance to build the family you’ve dreamed of, there’s a great chance that you wouldn’t have had it any other way.

When you partner with American Adoptions after experiencing infertility in Arkansas, you’ll get all the benefits of a national agency with the personalized attention of a local organization. Some of the benefits you get from choosing American Adoptions include:

  • Access to a best-in-industry financial protection program for adoptive parents who provide birth mother financial assistance
  • 24-hour, 7-days a week support from an experienced team of adoption specialists, many of whom are adoptees, adoptive parents, and birth parents themselves
  • 12x more marketing than the average competing adoption agency
  • Counseling and guidance during each stage of the adoption process
  • Assistance when building a compelling adoption profile
  • Arranging birth mother financial assistance when necessary
  • Managing communication between birth mothers and prospective adoptive families
  • And much more

We’re here to help if you’re coping with infertility in Arkansas, especially if you think adoption is your best option for becoming a parent. Our team of licensed social workers is ready to help anytime, and we can get you answers and information whenever you need it. To speak with someone today, call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our online form.

Moving On from Infertility in Arkansas

You never have to go it alone when struggling with infertility in Arkansas. At American Adoptions, we’re here to help if you decide to adopt following infertility in Arkansas. Again, many of our specialists are adoptees, adoptive families and even birth mothers, so they personally know about the challenges and joys you’re facing with adoption.

If you want to speak to someone about your family-building options in Arkansas, please call 1-800-ADOPTION now or complete our online form. We can help you begin your adoption journey and put you on the path to parenthood.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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