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Tracy & Ashley
We are here on this earth to love others well. We hope to raise a child in love by giving them acknowledgement, acceptance, understanding, safety and freedom. We appreciate your honorable consideration of placing your child for adoption. We will do our best to equip a child to be confident, capable and successful. Every child has great value, and we want to instill that sense of worth in any child we adopt.
Our Leisure Time
All the things we love to do will only be enhanced by sharing them with a child. Spending time with family and friends is something we treasure, whether sharing a meal, playing games, sitting around the campfire, or vacationing together. We enjoy hosting parties and gatherings. We love spending time outdoors hiking or taking walks around the neighborhood.
Tracy likes to sing and often does so on the praise team at church and other functions. We both enjoy listening to music and just dancing around and going to concerts. Nashville offers many great concert venues we take advantage of. We like watching football and basketball. Tracy is fond of carpentry. Ashley enjoys crafts and looks forward to doing them with a child. We appreciate any time we spend on the beach and in or near water.
We can't wait to share every season of our lives with a little one. We love grilling out with friends in the Summer and attending a 4th of July parade and fireworks. We have a tradition every Fall of going on a trip to a cabin in the mountains. Activities include hiking, making s'mores by the fire, watching sunsets, being silly, playing games, and putting puzzles together. We will enjoy adventuring through the corn maze with a son or daughter and picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin farm. We can't wait to include a child in our Christmas traditions, such as baking cookies, making ornaments, looking at lights, and attending Christmas shows.
Our Life Priorities
Life is about growing with others learning how to love & serve people and glorify God. The key elements are relationship, growth, and love. We try to prioritize mental, physical, spiritual and social maintenance so we can continue to grow in each of these areas. When we put God first in our life, we benefit each other as spouses. When we put our spouse next, we will benefit our children by creating a strong, stable and predictable environment. When we focus on getting outside of ourselves we are better equipped to love others and help them see how valuable they are. Friends and family play a big role in our lives as well. It's richness in relationships that makes for a satisfying life.
Fun Facts About Us
About Tracy:
About Ashley:

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in a suburb of a Nashville, Tennessee. We love our house and community. Our home has plenty of room with a kitchen and den area that are open to each other where most of the socializing happens. Our walk-out basement has a gym, a home theater and a room with a bumper pool table. Our back yard has an amazing view with an area down the hill with a fire pit.
We enjoy taking walks through the neighborhood, and there are several parks and greenways nearby. The neighborhood has a Facebook group so everyone can share needed information. There are many children in the neighborhood (plenty of potential friends).
We attend a Fourth of July neighborhood parade with a potluck that feels like it's right out of a Norman Rockwell painting with a small orchestra playing patriotic songs and a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence.
There are many fascinating historical sites to visit in the area. We are within easy driving distance of many wonderful hiking trails and mountains.
Our church has a flourishing children's and youth ministry. The ministry for marriage and family has a strong focus. We also have many serving ministries that have a positive impact on the community.
Our Extended Families
We enjoy going to Hilton Head Island every summer for a week with Ashley's extended family on her mom's side. We ride bikes, enjoy water and beach activities, play games and do puzzles. We always have loads of fun on this trip.
We often play games or sing songs with guitar playing with Tracy's family in Ohio. There are always lots of laughs. We have vacationed with Tracy's family at Disney World and Gulf Shores.
Ashley's mom and stepdad live about 12 minutes away and are excited to be very involved in the lives of our children. They have a houseboat and love to take us out on warm summer days. Christmas Eve at Uncle Joe's is a wonderful family tradition filled with fun Christmas activities such as decorating gingerbread houses, holiday games, and bumper pool. Ashley's dad and stepmom are about 4 hours away, and we always look forward to these visits. We traveled to Hawaii with them along with her aunt and uncle for an amazing trip filled with adventures such as four wheeling through the Waipi'o Valley, stargazing from atop a volcano, snorkeling, chasing sunsets, and exploring places like Volcanoes National Park and a Kona coffee plantation. Our child will be the first grandchild for Ashley's parents and step-parents. Both of our families are very excited about our adoption!
From Us to You
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at our profile. We greatly appreciate your willingness to consider us as adoptive parents for your child. It is an honor that we do not take lightly. We have desired to become parents for such a long time. We attempted to get pregnant without success and decided adoption was the best path. Knowing you might be the person who gives us the gift of parenthood fills us with great joy.
We will make sure your child grows up with emotional, physical, and financial security. They will be loved, cherished, safe, and understood. We will do everything possible to help them develop high self-esteem and a solid sense of self. They will have loads of fun. They will laugh often. They will have direction and purpose.
We believe God has been equipping us to be parents. Tracy is a Marriage and Family Therapist who works for an agency that provides counseling, adoption, and foster care. Ashley is a Nurse Practitioner working at a primary care clinic. We love helping people! All of our training and experience will help us meet a child's emotional and physical needs. We have flexible jobs. Therefore, we can attend activities for a child (e.g., recitals, games, meetings).
Because we strongly emphasize building and maintaining our marriage relationship, it creates a stable environment for raising children. We both have large, loving extended families rooting for us. We love our six nieces and nephews and enjoy spending time with them. The whole family is excited for us to bring a child into our home. We are part of a church family that highly values adoption and has thriving children's and youth ministries. It's a supportive community where your child will feel loved and accepted. Relationships are very important to us, and our lives revolve around time with friends and family.
We love being active. We cannot wait to take your little one on a hike to Radnor Lake, one of our favorite nature preserves in the area. We can already see how cute they will be with their little backpack! We enjoy playing and watching sports. We love adventure, travel, or fun activities like indoor trampoline parks. We look forward to building sand castles with a child on our annual beach vacation with extended family. We are excited to do outdoor activities with your child, like miniature golf, neighborhood walks, or the farmer's market. We will treasure times with a child playing board games, putting puzzles together, or doing arts and crafts.
We welcome your involvement in your child's life and will always ensure they know all about you and your love for them. You would only be spoken of in positive ways. Your child will understand that you made a courageous and selfless decision. We believe adoption is a beautiful thing and an honor to take part in. We're happy to exchange phone calls, emails, pictures, and letters at your comfort level. We are open to in-person visits.
We have been praying for you, your child, and this adoption process for a long time.
Tracy & Ashley
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